Brochure Design

All these clients asked for a trifold brochure. And all these clients experienced an 85%-97% saturation rate.

Customer Experience Examples of Print Media

Cartsens Ranch Real Estate Land Developments

Brochure and sales folder for realtors. Magazine Advertising. The five developments I was involved in sold out within five years.

Alpine Bank

Brochure, Welcome to the neighborhood gift. Community design was based on 1950s living style.

U.S. Casting

Brochure. Landfills use track-type tractors and this product is part of the compacting. Competitor was Caterpillar.

ASAP Payroll

Brochure. Included was a puzzle that pops off brochure with phone number printed on it. Reminder for clients. Rolodex card – yes remember those. And a form to mail back. Fed Exed the brochure to town of Telluride business owners. 90% saturation rate.

Cosmopolitan Restaurant

Brochure unfolded with a few gifts included inside brochure and a chef’s recipe on the back of the brochure, giving guests a reason to save the brochure. Keeping the restaurant in your memory.

Cold Smoke Photography

Film Canister acting as a Brochure. How else can you get your brochure in hotel rooms? Bring the used film in for free processing and gives the photographer a chance to sell family portraits. Dated! I know but the customer experience worked!

Additional Print Design